International competencies and learning outcomes (ICOMs):
towards strong internationalized learning environments
A project of the ‘Education Development Fund’ of the Catholic University of Leuven Association (B)
This website is the output of a KULeuven Association project that aimed to contribute to the development of internationalization of higher education learning environments. It wants to define ‘international competences’ in the typical context of higher education and to develop a set of international competences (2011-2012). So far we identified 5 fields or clouds of international competences:
1. Personal Growth
2. Intercultural Competence
3. Language Skills
4. Global Engagement
5. International Disciplinary Learning
This model of international competences is the framework of a learning outcome assessment of students (participants as well as non-participants of international activities; development of tests: 2012; testing : 2012-2013) at the one hand and an examination of the integration of international learning outcomes in curricula of different training programs (including teacher training) at the other hand (2012-2013).
Looking to define the learning effects of international mobility
In order to integrate international mobility into the higher education programmes, it is paramount to have a clear definition of the objectives pursued. A number of questions will start us off. What exactly is the take the policy makers have on the international competencies that are used to flesh out the internationalisation policies of and in higher education? What exactly is it that HEIs and especially the programme managers want to achieve by means of sending their students and academics on mobility programmes? Put differently, how are international competencies defined in the programmes and how are they consequently integrated into the curriculum? And what are the actual learning effects of international mobility?
Based on the available policy documents that shape the whole process of internationalization, and based on the current scientific literature studying the effects of international experience, we can distinguish four clusters of learning outcomes or target areas of internationalization in higher education.
Hereunder you can find a translated article about the research concerning these ICOMs among students at the beginning of the academic year.
Please contact the project members for more information: